Feijoa Autumn Harvest

Feijoa Autumn Harvest

Feijoa is a classic backyard fruit beloved by New Zealanders.  There are few named varieties and it is a difficult fruit to find at the shops.  But why go shopping when this plant is so versatile and easy to grow at home?  Feijoa sellowiana       Mammoth fruit...
Carob Harvest at Gunyah

Carob Harvest at Gunyah

The carob pods have taken almost a year to develop from flowers to pods and then ripen.  I can’t wait to pick and taste this years crop. The carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua) has been pruned to complement the garden design and provides valuable afternoon shade in...
Red Strawberry Grape

Red Strawberry Grape

Today we are picking bunches of the delicious red variety of the Strawberry Grape (Vitis Fragola).  The fragrant round fruit has a more complex flavor than the strawberries it is named after. It is not a bland taste like some disappointing shop bought grapes.  It is a...
Gunyah Open Garden 2019

Gunyah Open Garden 2019

Thank you to all the visitors and the volunteers who worked to make this fantastic event happen, which also raised funds for the West Brunswick Community Garden projects.   This was the last public open garden at Gunyah, after more than 8 years of...

Teaching and Learning

I love to teach, it’s one of the most rewarding parts of my work, sharing my knowledge with other keen gardeners. I’ve been lucky to be able to incorporate something I have been so passionate about into my career for 10 years now. Just recently I taught in...

You say tomato and I say ….

You say tomato and I say … Today was the second day of the great tomato sale at the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens in Hobart, a stones throw from where Peter Cundall delivered his weekly gardening inspiration. Penny Woodward, Janice Sutton and myself are here...
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