(Similar to traditional “Chinese Loquat Syrup” – I made this chunkier version as I didn’t cut up my fruit very small).

 This is a super easy recipe to preserve some of your loquat harvest. It keeps for about a month in the fridge. 

Grind rock sugar in mortar and pestle



2 part loquat : 1 parts rock sugar.

500 gm loquats

250 gm rock sugar (available from Asian grocers)


Grind the rock sugar with a mortar and pestle.

Wash the fruits and remove the skin, seeds, and white pithy membranes around the seeds (a little bit of pith is OK).

Mix the ground rock sugar with the chopped fruit in a heavy-based pot.

Cook for 1/2 – 1 hour on the stovetop on low-medium heat, until the mixture becomes sticky, stirring frequently to prevent it sticking to the bottom of the pan.

Store in a glass jar in the fridge for up to a month.


Preserved loquat is traditionally used for its anti-inflammatory properties, and to help relieve coughs and colds.

You can add a heaped teaspoon to a glass of hot or cold water and mix before consuming it all.

I also like to add a spoonful to a smoothie for some extra flavour and goodness.

You can also add a couple of spoonful’s to some yoghurt for a tasty, healthy treat!

Mix chopped loquats with rock sugar
Store in fridge for up to a month
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